Abr 10 2014

ElcHer DataBase

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Electrochemistry for Heritage Group
The ElcHer Group is an interuniversitary research team that has been set up as result of the activities of Archeomlab microcluster. This team, composed of conservators, geologists and specialists in analytical chemistry with a large background in the development of analytical methods, has pioneered the application of solid state electrochemical techniques to the analytical characterization of heritage.
The ElcHer DataBase, is the result of the research in solid state electrochemistry applied to heritage developed along the last 20 years. ElcHer DataBase will be available next September 2014 in a web site, which is is being currently built by the ElcHer group.

The ElcHer Database is a compilation of reference voltammograms, accompanied of the corresponding IR, UV-Vis and x-ray spectra of historical and modern pigments contributed by the ElcHer group. Financial support for developing this initiative is due to the project Nanoelectrochemistry: a new advanced analytical tool in heritage conservation, Referencie: CTQ2011-28079-C03-01. National Program R+D 2008-2011. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación Period: 2012-2014.

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